Nothing chills the heart of an editor or publisher like a defamation threat.
Publish with confidence knowing you have solid libel, copyright and defamation advice and coverage.
Independent publishers working together to ensure real journalism continues in Canada
- Community Newspapers
- Arts and City newsletters
- Magazines
- Academic Journals
- Trade Publications
- Community and Special Interest Websites
- Podcasts
Membership benefits that allow you to sleep at night
- Experienced legal counsel. You gain access to some of the best media lawyers across the country.
- Immediate, direct access to legal advice, when you need it to check or “pre-clear” stories or articles before they run.
- Affordable rates - Canadian Media Protective Association’s mandate is to help provide access to an affordable group insurance policy providing libel coverage to Canadian publications. There is no motive for profit.
- One-stop coverage for all in-house writers and correspondents for all of your publications, including websites and vertical publications.
- Telephone advice on related matters such as bans on publication, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, etc.
- Networking and training with publishers and editors across the country.
Who & What We Cover
Canadian Media Protective Association offers access to a group insurance policy providing coverage to community newspapers, small market dailies, magazines and trade publications for damages arising out of errors or omissions due to libel, invasion of privacy, plagiarism, piracy and infringement of copyright.
Coverage extends to owners, publishers, editors, writers and correspondents while acting within the scope of their duties for the insured publications. Inserts and shoppers are covered under the same policy at no additional cost.
Pre-Publication Legal Advice
The pre-publication program gives you direct access to lawyers who will review your material prior to publication at no additional cost. A lawyer from our experienced panel is assigned to provide pre-clearance advice for each area of the country, giving members access to this service during their business hours.
It also enables publishers and their staff to contact legal counsel for advice on areas of law such as publication bans, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the Criminal Code, malice and contempt of court issues.

Get a Quote
If your newsroom is not a member, contact us at l.shepherd@ocna.org or call Lucia Shepherd at 416-923-7724 Ext 4423 today to get a quote and discuss whether becoming a member will help you sleep better at night.
Costs and becoming a member
If your newsroom is not a member, contact us at info@ocna.org today to discuss whether becoming a member will help you sleep better at night.
Coverage through the group insurance policy includes expenses incurred to investigate, defend, settle, arbitrate, mediate or litigate claims. Coverage is limited to claims brought or filed in Canadian courts.
Canadian Media Protective Association fees are assessed based on circulation, publishing frequency, volume of content, and claims experience. Premiums are established by the insurance provider. There is a deductible on claims of $2,500. The deductible is payable directly by the Member once costs are incurred on a claim. Once the deductible is exceeded, Canadian Media Protective Association pays directly on behalf of its member; no additional monies are paid by the Member and there are no forms to complete.
Discounts available for organizations with more than five member publications.
"Canadian Media Protective Association provides an invaluable service to The Narwhal, giving us access to the sharpest legal minds in Canada. They are always ready to defend responsible reporting and a free press"
Legal Team
Alberta, Northwest Territories & Nunavut
Daniel P. Carroll
Field LLP
2500, 10175 - 101 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5J 0H3
(780) 423-3003
Atlantic Provinces
David G. Coles
Boyne Clarke Lawyers LLP
99 Wyse Road
Dartmouth, NS
B2Y 3Z5
(902) 469-9500
British Columbia & Yukon
David Sutherland
David F. Sutherland & Associates
2000 Ontario Street
Vancouver, BC
V5T 2W7
(604) 737-8711
Manitoba & Saskatchewan
Bob Sokalski
Hill Sokalski Walsh LLP
360 Main St., Suite 2670
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3Z3
(204) 943-6740
Doug Richardson
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 1500
Toronto, ON
M5G 1Z8
(416) 214-0606
Laurianne Walker-Hanley
Gowlings WLG (Canada) LLP
3700 - 1 Place Ville Marie
Montreal, QC
H3B 3P4
(514) 392-9415